Rustic Interior wood paneling
There are times when we just wish we could change the look and feel of the inside of our Ottawa homes. What follows are 13 different suggestions that will not only give you the feeling of living in a vintage home, they won’t break the bank so to speak. Let us begin with changing the walls with paneling. Instead of paneling, try finding some distressed wood. The best resource for this would be an old farmhouse, as this will present the desired rustic look and feel.
As for the colour, choose one that brings out the natural past of the wood. For example, if the colour of the wood is light touch it up with a darker colour or do the reverse if the wood is dark. This next technique is a handy way to polish off the finish you desire by using a putty knife, and scrape an arbitrary pattern, giving that worn appearance as if time has had its effect. Another method is to find a faux finish that can bring out the same type of appearance. Additionally, you can add depth by applying a glaze finish.
The Cost: For an average room is, $66, using a premium Benjamin Moore Interior Latex, at $36 for a gallon, and include the Studio Latex Glaze finish at $30 for a gallon. Find these at local Ottawa Benjamin Moore Paint dealer
Adding a Vintage Screen Door
Changing the interior calls for doing the same for the outside of your house so it can give that old time Ottawa appearance for passers by. By hanging a screen door that has a vintage decorative trim is a great way to turn back time. Moreover, by using a basic wooden framed screen door you can add the trim yourself by getting it from a supply house that handles woodworking materials. This will save you from spending upwards of $600 on a premade door with a similar look.
To imitate the door pictured you can use a gallery rail and the small spindles positioned at the centre along with the corner brackets. With a little wood glue and trim nails, this look is easy to achieve even for the novice crafter.
The Cost: A natural finish 36- inch screen door with a T-bar runs around $195, found at your local Ottawa home store. The poplar corner brackets around $16 per piece, and the two & ¾-inch by four-foot polar gallery rail with spindles runs approximately $45 from a vintage woodwork supply shop.
Use Beadboard on the Ceiling
You can change the interior of a room by adding beadboard to the ceiling. This gives the room the look and feel of an Ottawa cottage. Beadboard was used for the ceiling of covered porches, but by using it for an interior room it adds an old time flavor. The installation is easy specifically when a prefabricated MDF, (medium-density fiberboard), plank is used instead of the traditional type of beadboard. The MDF comes in seven-inch wide eight-foot long pieces that are tongue-and groove ready to assemble and they are a perfect copy of the original material.
Depending on the condition of the original ceiling, it will take glue and nails to install. However, if the ceiling is in a distressed manner, then it will take putting a substantial framework and furring strips where the MDF panels can mount. The best place to start, in any scenario is a corner of the work area. The first panel installed should have a one-inch gap to allow for trim between the ceiling and the top of the wall.
What makes using the MDF a great way to go is that they are pre-coated and drilled. The only things you have to do is glue and nail them in place and then put on a finishing top coat.
The Cost: The amount of MDF will determine a good part of the total expense because of the size of the room. The range can be from $100 to $400. The pricing for a Cape Cod style MDF plank is around $65 for forty-two square feet, then for the liquid nails adhesive for paneling and molding, you may spend around $4.00 a tube. You can find all of this at a local Ottawa Home store.
Dress up your Kitchen Cabinets with a two-tone look
Doing this will present the look of when earlier Ottawa kitchen cabinets were assembled out of a variety of pieces that resembled furniture, in place of the prefabricated construction of today. The method is simple, take similar shades of one colour, and use them in this manner. Put the darker shade on the bottom cabinets and the lightest on the top cabinets.
The effect is it will give the kitchen a more open feel. In the interest of doing a good job always prepare the surfaces before painting over them and remember to put on a top coat in addition.
The Cost: For a latex multi-purpose primer the average expense is $28 for a gallon, and $58 for high gloss acrylic latex all-surface enamel. Find this at a local Ottawa paint supplier or home store.
Upgrade the look of your stairs with a runner
This is applicable if the staircase is bare wood or even covered in carpet. By doing this it will add classic look and feel to your Ottawa home. The method to use is the waterfall. The way this is applied is by draping the carpet runner over the top of one tread allowing it to fall naturally to the next without wrapping it around the nose of the tread. This makes for a great do-it-yourself home project.
To instill further, the antique look you can install metal rods to help secure the runner in place by centering the rod and anchoring it with brackets at each end.
The Cost: Figure spending $250 to $425 on a runner, big enough to cover the steps. The colour choices are endless and vary in price depending on where you find what you are looking for. Pre-cut tread pads may cost close to $70 for a bakers dozen where the runner rods, that come in different lengths, begin around $10 a rod. These items are found at a local Ottawa supply house that carries carpet.
Making a Single Pane window appear as a Two Pane Windows
Not all-new construction in or around Ottawa will offer a two pane window that fits within a given budget requirement. Nonetheless, there is a way to give your single pane windows this look. The way it is accomplished is by getting some stock pieces of rectangular or square wood stock that is similar in thickness to the surrounding splash already present.
The next step is to cut the stock to length and fasten it with clear hook & loop tape. Depending on whether or not you want multiple frames you can notch out the vertical in horizontal pieces to ensure an even fit, which give it a natural look and appeal. In either scenario, use wood glue to hold the joints and the hook & loop tape to secure the frame to the class.
The Cost: Depending on how many windows and the number of sections you wish to have the expense can reach as much as $30 per window. The stock pieces of wood may run around $2 for a linear foot with some 3M hook & loop tape costing around $4 for a set. Find these items at a local Ottawa and surrounding area lumber yard and the fastener at a hobby shop.
Change the look of your wood flooring
Add a playful look to your Ottawa home by having a checkerboard pattern on your floor. This design idea as has been around centuries, during colonial times getting a painted floor was considered an upgrade from a plain wooden floor.
In order to revitalize this traditional look and feel you can get square wood tiles and paint or stain them however you desire. Then you simply put them down in a checkered pattern. Naturally, there is some preparation needed to the existing floor before you begin a project such as this.
First, determine the size of the room, followed by deciding on the size of the squares. Then use paper to draw out the pattern you want to put down. Once this has been determined and the finishes are applied, install the new flooring and then put down a clear coat on top for added protection. This will act as a seal for a lasting finish.
The Cost: For and oil based wood stain the average expense is $40 for a gallon. For clear coat, polyurethane around $64, and for painters tape used to separate the tiles during the finishing process you’ll spend about $7 for a 60 meter roll.
Put a display rail at the top of an existing Wainscoting
You can always add more character to your Ottawa home by building onto existing architectural niceties that are present. If you have an existing wainscoting, for example, with a wide enough ledges, you can utilize some wall paneling as a display shelf for various nick knacks or art. In cases where an existing cap rail is around an inch away from the wall, you can exchange it with a 1×3 ledge easily and without needing additional foundation.
Finishing nails can anchor the ledge to the top of the wainscoting. While a construction adhesive is applied to the back of the molding for support. In situations were the wainscoting sticks out less than one inch from the wall you can use a strip of cove molding and fasten it to the face of the panel. This provides a lip, which aids in the support of the 1×3 ledge. Next just match the finish to what exists already
The Cost: You are looking at maybe $10 per wall. Finding the Poplar wood 1×3 and cove molding, runs around $7 and $4 for 8-foot lengths; from any local Ottawa lumberyard.
Bring out the Ottawa Victorian Look in your Washroom
This is accomplished by installing 24-by-24 inch embossed panels to present a 4-foot high Wainscoting that is topped off with shelf molding. The finished look is a sheathe wall.
The Cost: For a 6ft by 8ft room, the expense is close to $300. This covers the cost of a powder coated embossed metal sheeting that comes moisture proof. There are many different patterns and colour schemes to fit any taste. These panels run about $12 per panel from most home stores in and around the Ottawa area.
Giving a Lamp the Look of Oxidized Copper or Verdigris Patina
This look is attainable for any outside lamp and it is easily applied. The method described here is use black or charcoal coloured paint as a base coat first. Then apply a number of coats of antique solution. Once you give the project a few days or so for the solution and the paint to interact you will find the result being the appearance of oxidized copper.
The Cost: Depending on the size and shape of the exterior sconce lamp, spending maybe a minimum of $15, and around $12 for the finish from a local Ottawa art supply or hobby shop. The total expense will be $28 to $50.
Have the appearance of Etched Glass using Window film
This is done by using vinyl film that is patterned. It will add to the privacy of the home when put on entry doors with glass and sidelights. The application begins with cleaning the glass, then cutting the film to size. Use a water spray on the glass and apply the film while gently smoothing out any air bubbles with the use of a squeegee.
The Cost: For a multiple window project, you are looking to eat spending around $20 each. This is determined by the size, pattern. The film price is around $22 per roll, but may vary because of the pattern. Find this item at an Ottawa art supply or hobby shop.
Adding Panel Molding will dress up any Mantel
This is where you can show off your creativity. It always helps to draw something out on paper first so you can experiment and adjust the idea or vision you may have for a particular look you want. After that, find the panel molding that fits with your design, at a local Ottawa lumber store and go to work.
The first thing is preparing the surface of the mantel for the addition of the molding. Then cut the molding to size and give it a light sanding. Then attach it to the mantel with finishing nails and or wood glue, where applicable, and you are finished.
The Cost: The panel molding comes in 8ft lengths and is normally around $15 at any one of the many lumber supply stores in or around Ottawa.
Adding a Vintage Plaster appearance to a hanging lamp prefabricated Medallion
Doing this is easy. It takes thinning joint compound with water enough to where it drips like water. Then you coat the medallion with it, let it dry and it is ready for use.
The Cost: Medallions come in many sizes and patterns and cost around $15. The joint compound or lightweight spackle goes for $7 for a 16-ounce tub. The total expense is $30 to $50. The medallions are found at an architectural supply and the spackling you can pickup at any hardware or home store located around Ottawa.
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