Ever notice those people with healthy, glowing skin? Ever wonder how they got that way? It is very likely that it is the result of a chemical peel.

Our skin cells do not necessarily replace themselves as quickly as we age. That slower turnover rate can make our skin look dull, dry, and older than we are. Chemical peels can help.

Chemical peels use a combination of ingredients applied to the skin, usually customized to your needs, that, when removed, will leave the surface of the skin looking softer, healthier, and younger. These peels remove the outer layer of the skin to remove damaged cells.

While these are certainly not a facelift, they can help even out skin tones, somewhat improve sun damage, help with acne or acne scars, and improve skin texture. It has also been known to stimulate the production of collagen ad to help prevent breakouts by opening pores. Be sure to discuss your needs and expectations with the staff before beginning. It will not remove deep scars or wrinkles.

Like any medical procedure, there can be some residual effects and risks like infection and pigment changes. While these are rare, and the procedure itself is minimally invasive, you should take precautions.

Types of Peels

There are a number of peels available, and each has the ability to be customized to your skin type and needs. Generally, they are classified into three types:

• Light

This is usually suggested for those with uneven pigmentation, acne, fine lines, and dryness. The change will be subtle and, with proper post-care and follow-up, the improvements will last for a while.

• Medium

This is beneficial to those with acne scars, uneven skin texture and tone. The change will be noticeable.

• Deep

This has the most dramatic results but also has a longer recovery time. This is recommended for those with significant sun damage, blotchy patches, and scars.

The procedure

When you make the appointment for your chemical peel, you will receive instructions that will include the application of certain ointments several weeks before the procedure date. You will also be advised to avoid any over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication.
Smokers should stop using tobacco products for at least six weeks prior to the procedure. During this preparation period, you should make an effort to stay fully hydrated.

At the appointment itself, your skin will be cleansed, and the professional will use a numbing ointment or possibly inject the area with a substance to lessen the discomfort. The chemical solution will be brushed on and allowed to dry. This can take from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on the products and the area being treated. Then the chemical peel is washed off, and a neutralizing agent is used. For those individuals having a deep peel, an ointment will be applied. You may notice some stinging or other sensation during the process.

Recovery will depend on the type of peel, and the professional will provide information about what to expect following the procedure as well as recommended maintenance regimens.

Getting a chemical peel

If you want glowing and healthy skin without acne marks and fine lines, you should consider getting a chemical peel at an Ottawa skin clinic. For that, we recommend you to contact Dermis Advanced Skin Care. They offer the best skin treatments available in the market. Their skin experts can advise you on each treatment and help you find which is best for your needs.