Hormonal issues can interfere in many aspects of your life. You might not even realize hormones have so much impact on your overall health and wee-being. The endocrine system produces chemicals that affect your mood, skin, energy and even body weight. 

The hormones regulate body processes during many phases in life, like puberty and menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause in women. The production of hormones (whether it is too much or too little) regulates processes like body temperature, reproductivity, metabolism and even appetite. It is natural that hormonal fluctuation occurs, but it can mean you have hormone balance issues if it happens too intensely. 

Here is a list of hormone issues signs you need to keep an eye on and what to do if you notice any of them. 

Sleep problems:

The production of estrogen and progesterone induces sleep. When the body lowers those hormone levels, for example, during perimenopause and menopause, you might have insomnia and sleeping issues. The low production of estrogen also causes night sweats, which can disturb the quality of your sleep. 

Skin problems:

Low levels of estrogen and progesterone combined with high levels of androgen hormones can cause adult acne and indicate polycystic ovary syndrome. Another skin problem that can be caused by hormonal imbalance is itchy skin, as dry skin is common in menopause and people with thyroid issues. 

Mood swings:

Estrogen affects brain neurotransmitters, so hormone fluctuations can cause mood swings. PMS and depressed mood on perimenopause and menopause are common because of the effect estrogen has on said neurotransmitters, including serotonin. 

Low libido:

Women who are going through perimenopause or menopause often experience low libido because of the falling of estrogen and testosterone levels. Testosterone is commonly known as the male hormone, but females also produce it in lower quantities. Other symptoms of menopause can also affect your sex life, such as fatigue, anxiety, low mood and night sweats. 

Weight Gain:

Weight gain when not associated with diet and lifestyle changes can also be related to hormone balance issues. The common conditions that can lead to weight gain are: 

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

A condition that causes the formation of small cysts on the ovaries.

Underactive Thyroid

When the glands on the thyroid produce fewer hormones that regulate metabolism. 


When periods stop entirely, the hormonal changes can make you gain weight.


Hormonal changes can cause headaches on the menstrual cycle, menopause and also when a woman is pregnant. 

Weak bones:

Low levels of estrogen can cause bone weakness throughout perimenopause and menopause. 

Fertility Problems:

Female infertility is mainly caused by hormonal imbalance. It is natural that after the age of 35, women become less fertile because of the changes in hormone levels that happens at this age. There are specific hormone balance issues that affect fertility:

  • High levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which can reduce the chances of pregnancy; 
  • Low levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), which is responsible for making the ovaries release an egg and produce progesterone;
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome;
  • Early menopause.

Bad cramps and heavy periods:

Abdominal pain, lower back pain, constant need to urinate, uncomfortable intercourse and constipation can be signs of fibroids. Some believe this is caused by estrogen, but the exact reason is still unexplained. Fibroids are benign growths that form around the womb. 

Vaginal dryness

The leading cause of vaginal dryness is the fall of estrogen levels. Perimenopause, menopause, hormonal contraceptive methods and antidepressants can all cause a change in hormone production and lead to this type of problem. 

What do I do if I have these symptoms?

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and suspect they are caused by hormone balance issues, you should seek professional help. If you need more information about hormonal health and treatments, get in touch with Radiant Health SF. They are experts in hormone imbalance who can determine what is causing your symptoms and help you regain hormonal health with the best treatment programs available.