Missing, damaged or rotted teeth can bring on a whole slew of issues. Not only do they affect your appearance, but they can cause problems when you try to talk or eat. They can be painful and can be detrimental to your overall health. Many experts even attribute periodontal and gum diseases to heart disease.
Therefore, oral hygiene may be more important than you realized, and if your teeth are decayed or deteriorating, keeping them clean and well taken care of can definitely be difficult. In some cases, it is necessary to remove the problem teeth. Dental Implants can help your mouth to function normally again, and can make the process of cleaning them much simpler.
The Kingston area has plenty of highly skilled dental professionals who can provide you with implants. An experienced dentist will be able to determine what kind of implant is right for your personal situation. You may only need one tooth replaced, which can be accomplished with a single implant, or you may need multiple implants.
If you are already missing a lot of teeth, and the ones you have are problematic, it may be best for you to have the remaining teeth removed. In this case, some may opt for dentures. However, many Kingston oral health professionals would recommend the All-on-Four procedure, which will give you a permanent set of teeth, rather than having to deal with removable dentures.
Single implants can simply be inserted in the spot of your missing tooth. If the root is missing, then an abutment, or small post, can be connected to the implant, and placed in the hole where your tooth belongs. A false tooth will then be cemented to the abutment. You will be able to carry on with this tooth, just as if it were one of your own teeth.
If you are missing several teeth, then you may need multiple implants. The sooner you can replace your teeth, the better, as your other teeth can drift out of their proper positions, and your gums and jawbones may be deteriorating without you even realizing it. In some situations, if there is already too much damage, your dentist may decide that multiple implants is not the way to go. Instead, you may need the All-on-Four treatment.
The All-on-Four treatment involves insertion of only four posts on the top and four on the bottom, but these posts will hold prostheses that enable you to have a full set of teeth. There are many advantages to having the All-on-Four, rather than dentures. You will have a permanent set of perfect teeth, which are stable and do not require messy adhesives.
No matter what condition your teeth are in, regular visits to the dentist are necessary to maintain oral and overall health. Brushing and flossing regularly are a must, and you should consult your dentist if you experience any tooth pain or suffer a mouth injury, especially if you lose a tooth. Often the tooth can be saved if you act quickly.