Most quality mirrors are made from glass treated with a reflective coating. In respect to using a mirror as an aspect of interior design they work very well in providing the appearance of space that does not exist. This is only possible through the reflective quality of the mirror. What makes a mirror ‘designer quality’ here in Ottawa is the frame and shape of it.

When considering the placement of a mirror in a room in your Ottawa home, the size and shape of the mirror come into play as well as how it matches the overall decor of the room. When a medium sized mirror is placed on the wall opposite the entrance it can give the onlooker the impression of the size of the room. As a center piece in the room it will have the same effect.

Placing a mirror on either side of the room adjacent to the entrance, takes it out of the direct sight of the observer and therefore still presents more depth to the surroundings. This same effect is reached with a mirror placed on the same wall next to the entrance to a room. At any rate, you can dress up or dress down a mirror with the type of frame and the shape of the glass.

This means having a mirror in a shape other than a rectangle, a square, oval, or circle. Enter the designer mirror that is custom made to your specifications. Needless to say there is a plethora of possibilities in the world of design using the mix of colour, texture, size and shape. Here in Ottawa, there are glass enclosure, and custom mirror suppliers and designers that can help you design the mirror that will fit your needs. In addition, to their extensive galleries to see for ideas their expertise alone will astound you with their capability to make your idea come to life.

If you want design your home with modern mirror designs then try these Gatineau and Ottawa Glass and Mirror Specialists:

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[column size=”1/3″]Vitrerie de la Vallée

[column size=”1/3″]Address: 332, Chemin Industriel
Gatineau (Québec) J8R 3N9

Telephone: (819) 643-2391

Fax: (819) 643-5451



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