In this age of blogs and social media, almost everyone has something to say even on topics they know very little about or they are no experts on. This has resulted in a lot of lies, rumors, fake facts, and so on going around on the internet. It is also the source of many myths and misconceptions regarding pregnancy, fertility, and fertility treatments. In this post, Fertility Match will be debunking the popular myths about fertility treatments.
Let’s begin.
1. Myth: Contraceptive pills reduce fertility
Many people believe contraceptive pills aka birth controls pills reduce fertility, especially when used for a long time. They argue that continual use of such pills disrupt hormones so badly making it difficult for women to conceive once they stop using them. However, this is not backed by science. Studies have shown that birth control pills do not reduce or increase fertility.
2. Myth: The biggest sign of infertility are irregular periods
This is a very popular belief even though it is not true. Many women believe that irregular cycles show they are infertile. However, there are many things including lack of sleep, poor exercise habits, use of certain medication, and stress that can disrupt periods. Therefore, irregular periods often do not automatically mean infertility. However, they do make it difficult to get pregnant because they make timing sex a bit difficult.
3. Myth: Having sex every day increases the chances of getting pregnant
This is a popular myth. After all, the more you try anything, the more likely your chances of success. However, it is not necessary to have sexy each and every single day to increase your chances of getting pregnant. This is because most women have a fertile window, which only lasts two weeks after she has her periods. This is the best time to have sex to get pregnant. Sex outside the fertile window rarely results in pregnancy.
4. Myth: Getting pregnant after forty is impossible
This is a popular myth. It is very popular because it is partly informed by science. Science says fertility in women decreases from age 35 and by 40 it is difficult for women to conceive. However, while it is difficult to conceive naturally after 40, it is not impossible. Fertility treatments at fertility clinics like ours (Fertility Match) make it possible for women to conceive after 40. At our clinic, even women as old as 55 can be helped to conceive.
5. Myth: It is easy to get pregnant after 40
This is the opposite of the myth above. However, it is one that is not informed by science. For some reason, some people believe that it is easy to conceive after 40. However, it is not. Getting pregnant after 40 may not be impossible. However, it is not also easy. It is not easy because after 40 biology makes reproduction less viable. Nevertheless, with the help of fertility treatments such as medicines, oocyte donation, in-vitro fertilization, and artificial insemination, women over 40 can be helped to conceive. Fertility treatments can also help women over 50 to conceive.
6. Myth: The man’s age does not affect fertility
This is a bad myth because it makes it easy to quickly blame women for infertility in relationships. While it is true that a woman’s age largely determines her fertility, the age of her male partner also affects her fertility. In relationships where the male partner is old, the sperm count is usually low. Furthermore, the viability of sperms from old males is often low. These two factors often result in infertility. They also affect the possibility of success in IVF fertility treatments. Moreover, medical experts have established that women made pregnant by men over forty are more likely to have a miscarriage than those made pregnant by younger men. Furthermore, pregnancies caused by older men are more likely to result in babies with schizophrenia, autism, or birth defects. But while the age of men definitely affects fertility, older men can also be helped in fertility clinics to improve fertility and reduce the chances of birth defects.
7. Myth: Freezing embryos is better than freezing eggs
This is an old myth influenced by old fertility/ pregnancy blogs. In the past, people used to be told to freeze embryos and not eggs because embryos were believed to be hardy and, therefore, to have more chances of surviving than eggs. However, this is no longer the case. Because in recent years egg freezing techniques and machines have improved tremendously, and the likelihood of frozen eggs remaining viable is approximately the same as that of frozen embryos to remain viable. This is especially true when the egg freezing is done in a top fertility clinic or lab.
Freezing an embryo is a massive commitment. This is because if something happens to your relationship, the decision on what will happen to the embryo will depend on both of you. After all, you are both its parent. So to avoid this sort of situation, freezing eggs is nowadays more frequently recommended than freezing embryos.
8. Myth: IVF and egg freezing are fail-safe fertility treatments
IVF is one of the most commonly known fertility treatments. Many people believe that when they try IVF the outcome will always be a baby. However, this is not always true. While IVF does help women to conceive, a baby is not guaranteed at the end of every IVF treatment. Different things affect the chances of success of an IVF treatment including age, egg count, egg quality, and uterus health. According to the CDC, IVF and similar treatments have a low success rate of about 31 percent in healthy women under 35. This is proof that IVF treatments frequently fail. To improve your likelihood of getting pregnant with or without an IVF treatment, you should visit Fertility Match. This specialist clinic has the best IVF treatment on the land. It also has got very experienced professionals who know how to investigate and provide a solution to almost all types.
9. Myth: Miscarriages are hereditary
This myth is absolutely false. Miscarriages are not hereditary. In other words, if you have seen a close relative of yours having a miscarriage, you most likely have nothing to worry about. Studies have shown that genetics play only an insignificant role in causing miscarriages. Therefore, miscarriages cannot be inherited. However, scientists have found that parents with balanced translocation (a chromosomal abnormality) are more likely to experience a miscarriage.
10. Myth: Any sort of bleeding leads to a miscarriage
This is untrue. Bleeding can happen in the first three months of pregnancy. This is normal and it happens to about 25 percent of women. While first trimester bleeding should make you feel a bit concerned, it often does not mean a miscarriage. Only heavy bleeding is considered a true indication that a miscarriage is happening or has happened. Therefore, when you experience heavy bleeding, head straight to your OB/ GYN. They will examine you and give you the treatment you need.
As it is evident from the information above, there are lots of myths in circulation about conception, pregnancy, and women. If you have a problem that needs fertility treatment, visit Fertility Match. The clinic has got the experts and the technologies needed to diagnose and treat various fertility conditions. If you decide to work with this clinic, your likelihood of overcoming fertility problems and getting a child will increase tremendously.