Garage floors will need to be cleaned from time to time, even those that are made with an epoxy coating.

Regular Maintenance

About once a week use a dust mop or a soft bristle push broom to remove any dust or dirt.  This should only take a few minutes.  The time consuming portion is moving the cars in and out and moving around any boxes or other items you regularly store in the garage.  If there are cuts or difficult places to reach, use your vacuum to get into crevices or use the edge of a broom.  Spot clean any spills or leaks as soon as you see them.

Because epoxy floors are very water resistant, liquid spills are easily handled.  Just be sure to take care of them as soon as you see them.  Leaving something on the surface for too long (especially if it dries) can leave a stain.  That means more cleaning and possibly something permanent.

Deeper Cleaning

About every month or three it is a good idea to give the garage floor a more thorough cleaning.  The best choices are a hard foam mop or a microfiber mop.  String mops are somewhat messier and tend to leave streaks.  A shop vac that uses a water base is also a good choice.

One of the best cleaning solutions is ½ cup of ammonia to a gallon of water.  Ammonia can be rather smelly so be sure to have the room well ventilated.  Another option is to use one part Windex to three parts water.  There are also organic or “green” cleaners that will work very well.  Frequent rinsing is a good idea and you may need to change out the water periodically if it gets mucky.

If there are stubborn spots, use a soft scrub pad.  Too vigorous scrubbing can damage the epoxy. 

Let the floor air dry or wipe it down with a lint-free cloth, if you prefer.

Products to Avoid

Don’t use products that are acid-based like vinegar or citrus.  Over time these will wear off the epoxy coating and you will need to have it repaired.  Also, avoid soap.  It will leave a film on the surface that is not attractive and if the floor gets wet, it will be more slippery.  Don’t use steel wool or cleansers like a comet.


Using a floor mat will help removing any snow or water from the bottoms of shoes as well as some dust and dirt.

If you have a motorcycle, put a computer mouse pad under the kickstand to prevent any scratching on the coating.

Use some wood planks or boards to keep items off the floor to prevent marring the surface of the garage floor.

If you are confronted with a problem you don’t know how to handle, don’t guess.  Contact Garage Perfect for a free estimate on maintenance and repair. They are experts in epoxy garage floors in Ottawa and will handle everything for you.